Thanksgiving Visit from Mom

I glance down at the floor after completing my meditation and spot the Chicken Soup for the Woman’s Soul book lying there.  I must have grabbed it off the shelf when I decided to help a client prepare a submission for an upcoming book. “Hmm……maybe I should read a few stories….”

The book already has a marker in it, so I turn to this page and begin reading “Gift of Gab.”  In the story, a woman describes her mother’s propensity for talking to strangers and I remember my own mom doing this when she was alive. My smile of recognition transforms into a gift as I read that her mother was “browsing through handbags at Marshall Fields.” My eyes fill with tears and my heart begins to tingle.

Seeing the reference to the Chicago based department store where my mom worked for decades was a sign from her that she was still close by and sending her love.  Someone else would call this coincidence but it is our power of belief that makes a miracle. A symbol that has a unique meaning to us often carries a message we need to hear.

My mom was a loyal employee of a once thriving business that was bought out years ago. Most people have never heard of Marshall Fields, but in our family it was an icon for my mother.  To “happen upon” this story at this time, was a way for her to wish me a “Happy Thanksgiving” and send a hug that transcends the distance between us.

Our loved ones often send their love during the holidays.  If you are open and observant, you may receive a message in an unexpected place.  If you do, I hope that you take a few minutes to write down your story.

Posted in Journal Writing.